Terms of Use

You are not allowed to plagiarize our content and/or translate our articles on your site. You can reference us on your own blogs or sites as long as you give us full credit. You are not also allowed to use any of our trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, or those of any third party displayed on the website; or modify or remove any copyright or other proprietary notice in the content.

Third Party Websites

The Service may contain links to third-party websites. Your use of all links to third-party websites is at your own risk. We do not monitor or have any control over, and make no claim or representation regarding third-party websites. To the extent such links are provided by us, they are provided only as a convenience, and a link to a third-party websites does not imply our endorsement, adoption or sponsorship of, or affiliation with, such third-party websites.

When you leave the website, whether via a link contained on the website or through the use of your web browser or other navigational tool, the information you view is not provided by us. Our terms and policies do not govern your use of third-party websites. We are not responsible for, have no control over and do not monitor or review the content of any other website. A link to a third-party website does not imply sponsorship, approval or endorsement by Cryptoqia of the linked third-party website or of that third party’s products or services.

Modification of the Website

At any time and in Cryptoqia’s sole discretion, Cryptoqia may (in whole or in part) modify, suspend or discontinue the Service and/or any Content without notice, for any reason. We shall have no liability to you or to any third party for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance.

Changes to these Terms

We may revise these Terms from time to time, without prior notice. You are bound by any changes to these Terms upon our posting of such changes on the Service. You should check these Terms often to make certain that you are aware of the most current Terms.